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Yep, that's probably a good description of our swimming lesson.

Things were going fine. 
We picked Corey up from nursery and drove over to the pool. He was chirpy about his lesson until we arrived in the car park where he proclaimed he was scared and had tears in his eyes.
With a bit of reassurance he was fine and we went into the building. 
I took him into the changing rooms and put on his swimming outfit. 
Took him through to the swimming pool(which was really small and there were only 3 small children) and all he could say was 'We're not going in yet'. So again i reassured him that he wasn't yet but it would be soon(there were a few other children in to start from the previous lesson).
So, the time came to put on armbands. And that is when all hell broke loose. he backed away like a rabbit in the headlights and yelled, screamed, cried and almost made himself sick. I had to take him back into the changing room to calm down and it was quite obvious we weren't going to get anywhere. All he kept saying was he wanted to go home, and so we did. 
I doubt we will go back just yet as it is just too traumatic for him. Although he is scared of the swimming baths he is fine in the bath at home. When we have taken him to the baths in the past he has hated it but has gone in a little bit, this was by far the worst i have seen him.
So, for a while we shall take him to the local baths when it is quiet and maybe at first just watch and then slowly try to introduce him to the water on his own terms.
Any advice welcome! 
Just thought i'd add a couple of pictures cause i haven't posted any on a while.
Take care everyone xx


awww poor COrey - and you!!! Give it a rest and try again later.

Ashley didnt learn to swim until he was 8.... and he was ok about going -not impressed but I told him he had to learn to swim - okay until the time came for the lesson to start = he threw a bit of a wobbler, told me he wasnt going in and looked terrified. However, he did go in and loves it........

Am sure he will be fine later.....

take care - Katie Squirrel xxx

11 January 2008 at 14:27  

Oh what a shame :( Claire used to be like that, but bit by bit she got to like it. Can't remember when or how though! All I know is, by the time she was about 5 or 6 we were going every Sunday, early, before most people were up because she was an early riser, and she LOVED it. Go figure! I was terrified of water till I was about 9 or so, so I understand. Just be quietly patient, and keep trying, as you said, and he'll get there.

12 January 2008 at 11:21  

Oh, sorry to hear it wasn't a great trip to the pool, Cath - give it time. Lovely to see some recent photos - Corey is looking SO grown up! xx

12 January 2008 at 15:06  

so sorry he was not taking the baths and wish I had some advice. Randie loves to go and loves the water. Maybe taking him to watch a few times first will get him wanting to try it.. im sure he will do it when he is ready! Love the pics.. he is getting so big :)

13 January 2008 at 15:08  

27 October 2015 at 03:10  

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