Yes migraines. I hate them. I don't get bad ones very often but yesterday laid me up big style.
I woke up with a 'thick head' and hoped some caffeine would sort it out. I had no Imigran(the tablets i usually take at the onset) so was hoping that i could get to the chemist earlyish, get some, and stop it in it's tracks. Not to be. I ended up taking two during the course of the morning but it made no difference and after dropping Corey at nursery at lunchtime i ended up going to bed :( Dave went out and got me more early evening and thankfully it worked and by about 10pm it had gone. Didn't sleep to well and have a bit of a cotton wool head today but otherwise feel great! Don't want another one of those in a hurry!
Have had a nice weekend. Saturday i went to the crop and managed to almost finish 2 layouts other than the journalling. One of them was made with a sketch i did for the IACW blog :) The other one was for the A-Z Journal that i'm also doing for the IACW blog. so it was a very productive day! Also had great fun chatting and gossiping with friends!Sunday was just a PJ day as Dave went canoeing so didn't get up to much and yesterday, well it was a bit of a blur with being in bed all day.
Today has been pretty relaxing too. Spent the day at home with Corey, watching TV, browsing the web, playing and cleaning. This afternoon we've all been to the dentist. I have been worried cause one of Coreys front teeth is grey even though we brush them regularly. The dentist said it isn't bad but it looks like it's had some trauma. Considering he falls over every mins then it could well be that. He said it should be fine and hopefully won't cause any problems. Mine were also fine, in fact he said they were very good, Dave however has to go back for a filling.
Tonight Dave is out at the football so i may scrap, either that or have a bath and chill out watching Harry Potter!
I don't think I've ever had a migraine, but headaches are bad enough, so I can only imagine what you felt like! Glad you're doing better now.
Paula @ Blooms 'n' Spades said...
30 January 2008 at 06:39
Wow - loving those layouts, I guess you have the scrapping bug back again. Never had a migraine and it sounds like from your experiences that I never want one - eeeeew! Poor you!!!
And you cant beat going to the dentist and having no work done! Hehehe
Marie xxx
Anonymous said...
30 January 2008 at 23:44
Gorgeous LO's, migraine sounds painful, hopefully you won't get too many. Must be the weather for canoeing, my DH is doing the Devizis Westminster race and is out most evenings, they must be mad!!!
MJ xx
Mj said...
31 January 2008 at 04:21
I hope you are feeling better. Those layouts are absolutely beautiful!!!
Lesli said...
1 February 2008 at 17:48
Gah! Headaches :( I had a migrainey-type one Tuesday too. It lasted 24 hours and with my new arthritis drug I can't take ibuprofen or aspirin, and paracetamol is as good as useless. I even took a day off work, which is unheard of. I usually drag myself in even if I feel like death, cos I'm actually afraid of getting told off. LOL As for the tooth, my nephew had one like that - permanent tooth is fine though, thank goodness!
PhotoJenique said...
16 February 2008 at 14:38