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Sniff, Splutter........

A cough for 4 wks over Christmas and just when i get over that i get the mother of all colds. 

My sinuses hurt and also behind my eyes.
It's been a bit of a viscous circle really. When i started running i felt a boost to my immune system and felt really well. Then i sort of had a lull for a few wks and really felt tired and lethargic. Since then my defences seem to be low and i need to get back to running but feel weak and need to build my strength back up(which running will do!). So as soon as i feel a bit more human i will be off again and hopefully build up some resistance again.
So this weekend has been fairly quiet.
Saturday I spent a lovely day in Manchester with a friend. i can't believe i don't go more often really as i really like it there and it's only 50 minutes away by train(which is free for me).
Yesterday was very quiet with Dave going canoeing and Corey and I just slobbing about in our PJs playing and baking.
Today i am out and about meeting my sister for Coffee and then going to a friends this afternoon.  

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