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So yesterday was a busy day. Went to get my nails done in the morning and then went out with a friend for lunch. Had to pick Corey up from nursery early as he had a hospital appointment. I got to nursery and as soon as i saw him i knew something was wrong. His face looked swollen and he was crying. Apparently, at breakfast, he had tripped, his nose meeting the table edge and he was sporting a lovely swollen, blue and red nose!

I'm a bit miffed that they never rang me in the morning to let me know it had happened but i guess i was too much in shock to say anything but i will on Friday. Anyway, i was a bit worried about it and so asked the doctor his opinion at his appointment. He said if it was broken then it was a straight break and wouldn't cause any problems but we wouldn't know for sure until the swelling has gone down.

Anyway, the hosp appointment went well and we were in and out within 10 mins. He's gained weight and is getting tall(almost 100cms now). The doctor was pleased and we don't need to go back until next year. he would have discharged us but his main consultant is on leave right now and he would be the one to discharge us. He said it was probably best to keep us on the books anyway, just in case. when a child has had Chronic Lung disease as bad as Corey did then it's always best to keep an eye on them i guess.
Didn't get up to anything last night as i was completely shattered and spent most of the evening trying to keep my eyes open!
Today i am taking the little guy swimming so that should be an adventure.
Wish us luck!!!


Ouch! Hope Corey's nose is feeling better. I lost count of the amount of times the school used to call me about Benjamin. He always managed to bang his head just above the left eye, same place, every time, it came up like a plum!!

I guess all you can do is persevere with the swimming. I hope it goes better for you today though:)

17 January 2008 at 02:10  

27 October 2015 at 03:09  

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