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Success but more bumps!

So yesterday i took the lil' guy swimming. 

We actually could have swam there it was so wet and by the time we got there we were cold and wet. Corey had said to me on the bus there that he just wanted to watch and i had reassured him that he didn't have to do anything, if he just wanted to watch then that was fine. We needed to take things very slowly. So we got changed and into the pool area. It's a nice swimming baths with a walk in pool for the kids and also a small separate one with a small slide in the centre. 
initially he just wandered about and put his hands in. Then we sat on the side of the separate pool and dangled our feet in. then he went a bit further, then a bit more, and by the time we went home he was laid on his tummy in the pool, up to his head, pretending to swim. he had a really fun time and would have happily stayed there all morning. It was so refreshing to see him enjoying himself in the water! So we will be going at least once a week from now on and hopefully his confidence will grow every week. he also got a car out of it as i took him to the toy shop afterwards and treated him to a racing car for being such a good boy!
Yes, more bumps! He obviously decided that sporting a blue and red nose wasn't enough. Now Corey does have trouble with coordination and suffers from valgus feet(flat). he has low tone muscle for which we see a Physio for. In everyday life this means he is a bit clumsy and things usually happen all at once, hence another accident yesterday. From what we can gather it looks like he tried to take his PJ bottoms off whilst coming down the stairs, resulting in what he says 'rolling down the stairs!' I heard an initial thud, then a pause which seemed to last minutes, and then a crash and a scream. Corey was in a heap at the bottom of the stairs with a nice bruise on his forehead, scratches to his sides and a nice friction burn on his bum. His PJs were on the next to last step so i'm assuming he came down them all.
So now he looks like he's done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson!
This child will be the death of me!!


Bless him. They do like to scare us.

Have a fab weekend xxx

18 January 2008 at 08:49  

Awww - so glad you managed to get him into the water - sounds like he enjoyed it too! "Eeeek" with regard to the stairs. Fingers crossed for bump free days ahead!!

Marie xxx

18 January 2008 at 09:42  

aww poor little guy.. that must have been so scary for you! Glad he is alright, other than his bumps and bruises..

That is great that he went into the water and seems a bit more confident.. the more you, the more into it he will get!!

18 January 2008 at 12:18  

Oh dear :( Claire broke her nose at the age of 3 - just as I picked her up from pre-school she wasn't looking where she was going and bashed into a paperchart in the hall where announcements were written. It was so swollen, they said come back when it's gone down; and when I went back they said, well it's set again now so we can't do anything anyway! Back then they still x-rayed kids for broken noses, so we know it WAS broken. She just has a rather broad nose now, but I don't draw attention to it as she's quite self-conscious :( At least it's not wonky! Anyway, glad Corey liked the pool. Just continue like that, he'll be swimming like a fish in no time.

19 January 2008 at 05:45  

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